Augustus v5

Allowance should be given to TokenTransferProxy contract and not to AugustusSwapper, FUNDS MAY BE LOST OTHERWISE!


The contract router is responsible for making swaps.


The Spender contract is responsible for moving ERC20 tokens (and equivalents on side chains). To get the address, you can call getTokenTransferProxy() on Augustus.

pragma solidity 0.7.5;

interface ITokenTransferProxy {

    function transferFrom(
        address token,
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 amount

Augustus Registry

Use AugustusRegistry to verify AugustusSwapper addresses.

interface IAugustusRegistry {

    function isAugustusBanned(address augustus) external view returns (bool);

    function isValidAugustus(address augustus) external view returns (bool);

    function getAugustusCount() external view returns (uint256);

    function getLatestVersion() external view returns (string memory);

    function getLatestAugustus() external view returns (address);

    function getAugustusByVersion(string calldata version) external view returns (address);

AugustusSwapper (implements IParaswap through fallback method)

ABI (merged AugustusSwapper and IParaswap ABIs)


interface IAugustusSwapper {
  struct FeeStructure {
    uint256 partnerShare;
    bool noPositiveSlippage;
    bool positiveSlippageToUser;
    uint16 feePercent;
    string partnerId;
    bytes data;

  function DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE (  ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
  function ROUTER_ROLE (  ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
  function WHITELISTED_ROLE (  ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
  function getAdapterData ( bytes32 key ) external view returns ( bytes );
  function getFeeWallet (  ) external view returns ( address );
  function getImplementation ( bytes4 selector ) external view returns ( address );
  function getPartnerFeeStructure ( address partner ) external view returns ( FeeStructure memory );
  function getRoleAdmin ( bytes32 role ) external view returns ( bytes32 );
  function getRoleMember ( bytes32 role, uint256 index ) external view returns ( address );
  function getRoleMemberCount ( bytes32 role ) external view returns ( uint256 );
  function getRouterData ( bytes32 key ) external view returns ( bytes );
  function getTokenTransferProxy (  ) external view returns ( address );
  function getVersion (  ) external pure returns ( string );
  function grantRole ( bytes32 role, address account ) external;
  function hasRole ( bytes32 role, address account ) external view returns ( bool );
  function initializeAdapter ( address adapter, bytes data ) external;
  function initializeRouter ( address router, bytes data ) external;
  function isAdapterInitialized ( bytes32 key ) external view returns ( bool );
  function isRouterInitialized ( bytes32 key ) external view returns ( bool );
  function registerPartner ( address partner, uint256 _partnerShare, bool _noPositiveSlippage, bool _positiveSlippageToUser, uint16 _feePercent, string partnerId, bytes _data ) external;
  function renounceRole ( bytes32 role, address account ) external;
  function revokeRole ( bytes32 role, address account ) external;
  function setFeeWallet ( address _feeWallet ) external;
  function setImplementation ( bytes4 selector, address implementation ) external;
  function transferTokens ( address token, address destination, uint256 amount ) external;

(Generated from AugustusSwapper ABI using ABI2Solidity tool then edited to add FeeStructure)


pragma solidity 0.7.5;

import "./lib/Utils.sol";

interface IParaswap {
    event Swapped(
        bytes16 uuid,
        address initiator,
        address indexed beneficiary,
        address indexed srcToken,
        address indexed destToken,
        uint256 srcAmount,
        uint256 receivedAmount,
        uint256 expectedAmount

    event Bought(
        bytes16 uuid,
        address initiator,
        address indexed beneficiary,
        address indexed srcToken,
        address indexed destToken,
        uint256 srcAmount,
        uint256 receivedAmount

    event FeeTaken(
        uint256 fee,
        uint256 partnerShare,
        uint256 paraswapShare

    function multiSwap(
        Utils.SellData calldata data
        returns (uint256);

    function megaSwap(
        Utils.MegaSwapSellData calldata data
        returns (uint256);

    function protectedMultiSwap(
        Utils.SellData calldata data
        returns (uint256);

    function protectedMegaSwap(
        Utils.MegaSwapSellData calldata data
        returns (uint256);

    function protectedSimpleSwap(
        Utils.SimpleData calldata data
        returns (uint256 receivedAmount);

    function protectedSimpleBuy(
        Utils.SimpleData calldata data

    function simpleSwap(
        Utils.SimpleData calldata data
        returns (uint256 receivedAmount);

    function simpleBuy(
        Utils.SimpleData calldata data

    function swapOnUniswap(
        uint256 amountIn,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path

    function swapOnUniswapFork(
        address factory,
        bytes32 initCode,
        uint256 amountIn,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path

    function buyOnUniswap(
        uint256 amountInMax,
        uint256 amountOut,
        address[] calldata path

    function buyOnUniswapFork(
        address factory,
        bytes32 initCode,
        uint256 amountInMax,
        uint256 amountOut,
        address[] calldata path

    function swapOnUniswapV2Fork(
        address tokenIn,
        uint256 amountIn,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        address weth,
        uint256[] calldata pools

    function buyOnUniswapV2Fork(
        address tokenIn,
        uint256 amountInMax,
        uint256 amountOut,
        address weth,
        uint256[] calldata pools

    function swapOnZeroXv2(
        IERC20 fromToken,
        IERC20 toToken,
        uint256 fromAmount,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        address exchange,
        bytes calldata payload

    function swapOnZeroXv4(
        IERC20 fromToken,
        IERC20 toToken,
        uint256 fromAmount,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        address exchange,
        bytes calldata payload


pragma solidity 0.7.5;

library Utils {
   * @param fromToken Address of the source token
   * @param fromAmount Amount of source tokens to be swapped
   * @param toAmount Minimum destination token amount expected out of this swap
   * @param expectedAmount Expected amount of destination tokens without slippage
   * @param beneficiary Beneficiary address
   * 0 then 100% will be transferred to beneficiary. Pass 10000 for 100%
   * @param path Route to be taken for this swap to take place

    struct SellData {
        address fromToken;
        uint256 fromAmount;
        uint256 toAmount;
        uint256 expectedAmount;
        address payable beneficiary;
        Utils.Path[] path;
        address payable partner;
        uint256 feePercent;
        bytes permit;
        uint256 deadline;
        bytes16 uuid;

    struct MegaSwapSellData {
        address fromToken;
        uint256 fromAmount;
        uint256 toAmount;
        uint256 expectedAmount;
        address payable beneficiary;
        Utils.MegaSwapPath[] path;
        address payable partner;
        uint256 feePercent;
        bytes permit;
        uint256 deadline;
        bytes16 uuid;

    struct SimpleData {
        address fromToken;
        address toToken;
        uint256 fromAmount;
        uint256 toAmount;
        uint256 expectedAmount;
        address[] callees;
        bytes exchangeData;
        uint256[] startIndexes;
        uint256[] values;
        address payable beneficiary;
        address payable partner;
        uint256 feePercent;
        bytes permit;
        uint256 deadline;
        bytes16 uuid;

    struct Adapter {
        address payable adapter;
        uint256 percent;
        uint256 networkFee;
        Route[] route;

    struct Route {
        uint256 index;//Adapter at which index needs to be used
        address targetExchange;
        uint percent;
        bytes payload;
        uint256 networkFee;//Network fee is associated with 0xv3 trades

    struct MegaSwapPath {
        uint256 fromAmountPercent;
        Path[] path;

    struct Path {
        address to;
        uint256 totalNetworkFee;//Network fee is associated with 0xv3 trades
        Adapter[] adapters;

Fee Claimer

pragma solidity 0.7.5;

import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

interface IFeeClaimer {
     * @notice register partner's, affiliate's and PP's fee
     * @dev only callable by AugustusSwapper contract
     * @param _account account address used to withdraw fees
     * @param _token token address
     * @param _fee fee amount in token
    function registerFee(
        address _account,
        IERC20 _token,
        uint256 _fee
    ) external;

     * @notice claim partner share fee in ERC20 token
     * @dev transfers ERC20 token balance to the caller's account
     *      the call will fail if withdrawer have zero balance in the contract
     * @param _token address of the ERC20 token
     * @param _recipient address
     * @return true if the withdraw was successfull
    function withdrawAllERC20(IERC20 _token, address _recipient) external returns (bool);

     * @notice batch claim whole balance of fee share amount
     * @dev transfers ERC20 token balance to the caller's account
     *      the call will fail if withdrawer have zero balance in the contract
     * @param _tokens list of addresses of the ERC20 token
     * @param _recipient address of recipient
     * @return true if the withdraw was successfull
    function batchWithdrawAllERC20(IERC20[] calldata _tokens, address _recipient) external returns (bool);

     * @notice claim some partner share fee in ERC20 token
     * @dev transfers ERC20 token amount to the caller's account
     *      the call will fail if withdrawer have zero balance in the contract
     * @param _token address of the ERC20 token
     * @param _recipient address
     * @return true if the withdraw was successfull
    function withdrawSomeERC20(
        IERC20 _token,
        uint256 _tokenAmount,
        address _recipient
    ) external returns (bool);

     * @notice batch claim some amount of fee share in ERC20 token
     * @dev transfers ERC20 token balance to the caller's account
     *      the call will fail if withdrawer have zero balance in the contract
     * @param _tokens address of the ERC20 tokens
     * @param _tokenAmounts array of amounts
     * @param _recipient destination account addresses
     * @return true if the withdraw was successfull
    function batchWithdrawSomeERC20(
        IERC20[] calldata _tokens,
        uint256[] calldata _tokenAmounts,
        address _recipient
    ) external returns (bool);

     * @notice compute unallocated fee in token
     * @param _token address of the ERC20 token
     * @return amount of unallocated token in fees
    function getUnallocatedFees(IERC20 _token) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice returns unclaimed fee amount given the token
     * @dev retrieves the balance of ERC20 token fee amount for a partner
     * @param _token address of the ERC20 token
     * @param _partner account address of the partner
     * @return amount of balance
    function getBalance(IERC20 _token, address _partner) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice returns unclaimed fee amount given the token in batch
     * @dev retrieves the balance of ERC20 token fee amount for a partner in batch
     * @param _tokens list of ERC20 token addresses
     * @param _partner account address of the partner
     * @return _fees array of the token amount
    function batchGetBalance(IERC20[] calldata _tokens, address _partner)
        returns (uint256[] memory _fees);

Last updated