Augustus v6.2
Augustus is the exchange middleware that enables on-chain swaps
Last updated
Augustus is the exchange middleware that enables on-chain swaps
Last updated
The contract router is responsible for making swaps.
Avalanche: 0x6a000f20005980200259b80c5102003040001068
Polygon zkEVM: 0x6a000f20005980200259b80c5102003040001068
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @notice Struct containg data for generic swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct GenericData {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for UniswapV2 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
/// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0 and token1 address for each pool with the direction flag being
/// the right most bit of the packed token0-token1 pair bytes used in the path
struct UniswapV2Data {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
bytes pools;
/// @notice Struct for UniswapV3 swapExactAmountIn/swapExactAmountOut data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
/// @param pools data consisting of concatenated token0-
/// token1-fee bytes for each pool used in the path, with the direction flag being the left most bit of token0 in the
/// concatenated bytes
struct UniswapV3Data {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
bytes pools;
/// @notice Struct for CurveV1 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address,
/// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag,
//// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused:
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth
/// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap
/// Swap Type Flag - a) 0 -> EXCHANGE b) 1 -> EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING
/// @param curveAssets Packed uint128 index i and uint128 index j of the pool
/// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct CurveV1Data {
uint256 curveData;
uint256 curveAssets;
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for CurveV2 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param curveData Packed data for the Curve pool, first 160 bits is the target exchange address,
/// the 161st bit is the approve flag, bits from (162 - 163) are used for the wrap flag,
//// bits from (164 - 165) are used for the swapType flag and the last 91 bits are unused
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Approve Flag - a) 0 -> do not approve b) 1 -> approve
/// Wrap Flag - a) 0 -> do not wrap b) 1 -> wrap native & srcToken == eth
/// c) 2 -> unwrap and destToken == eth d) 3 - >srcToken == eth && do not wrap
/// @param i The index of the srcToken
/// @param j The index of the destToken
/// The first 128 bits is the index i and the second 128 bits is the index j
/// @param poolAddress The address of the CurveV2 pool (only used for EXCHANGE_UNDERLYING_FACTORY_ZAP)
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount that must be recieved
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The expected amount of destToken to be recieved
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiary The address to send the swapped tokens to
struct CurveV2Data {
uint256 curveData;
uint256 i;
uint256 j;
address poolAddress;
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
/// @notice Struct for BalancerV2 swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param quotedAmount The quoted expected amount of destToken/srcToken
/// = quotedAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and quotedAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiaryAndApproveFlag The beneficiary address and approve flag packed into one uint256,
/// the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address and the left most bit is the approve flag
struct BalancerV2Data {
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 quotedAmount;
bytes32 metadata;
uint256 beneficiaryAndApproveFlag;
/// @notice Struct for Maker PSM swapExactAmountIn data
/// @param srcToken The token to swap from
/// @param destToken The token to swap to
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toll Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param to18ConversionFactor Used to calculate gem amount for the swapExactAmountIn
/// @param gemJoinAddress The address of the gemJoin contract
/// @param exchange The address of the exchange contract
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
/// @param beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag The beneficiary address, swap direction and approve flag packed
/// into one uint256, the first 20 bytes are the beneficiary address, the left most bit is the approve flag and the
/// second left most bit is the swap direction flag, 0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for swapExactAmountOut
struct MakerPSMData {
IERC20 srcToken;
IERC20 destToken;
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint256 toll;
uint256 to18ConversionFactor;
address exchange;
address gemJoinAddress;
bytes32 metadata;
uint256 beneficiaryDirectionApproveFlag;
/// @notice Order struct for Augustus RFQ
/// @param nonceAndMeta The nonce and meta data packed into one uint256,
/// the first 160 bits is the user address and the last 96 bits is the nonce
/// @param expiry The expiry of the order
/// @param makerAsset The address of the maker asset
/// @param takerAsset The address of the taker asset
/// @param maker The address of the maker
/// @param taker The address of the taker, if the taker is address(0) anyone can take the order
/// @param makerAmount The amount of makerAsset
/// @param takerAmount The amount of takerAsset
struct Order {
uint256 nonceAndMeta;
uint128 expiry;
address makerAsset;
address takerAsset;
address maker;
address taker;
uint256 makerAmount;
uint256 takerAmount;
/// @notice Struct containing order info for Augustus RFQ
/// @param order The order struct
/// @param signature The signature for the order
/// @param takerTokenFillAmount The amount of takerToken to fill
/// @param permitTakerAsset The permit data for the taker asset
/// @param permitMakerAsset The permit data for the maker asset
struct OrderInfo {
Order order;
bytes signature;
uint256 takerTokenFillAmount;
bytes permitTakerAsset;
bytes permitMakerAsset;
/// @notice Struct containing common data for executing swaps on Augustus RFQ
/// @param fromAmount The amount of srcToken to swap
/// = amountIn for swapExactAmountIn and maxAmountIn for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param toAmount The minimum amount of destToken to receive
/// = minAmountOut for swapExactAmountIn and amountOut for swapExactAmountOut
/// @param wrapApproveDirection The wrap, approve and direction flag packed into one uint8,
/// the first 2 bits is wrap flag (10 for wrap dest, 01 for wrap src, 00 for no wrap), the next bit is the approve flag
/// (1 for approve, 0 for no approve) and the last bit is the direction flag (0 for swapExactAmountIn and 1 for
/// swapExactAmountOut)
/// @param metadata Packed uuid and additional metadata
struct AugustusRFQData {
uint256 fromAmount;
uint256 toAmount;
uint8 wrapApproveDirection;
bytes32 metadata;
address payable beneficiary;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountIn
/// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountIn through an Augustus executor
interface IGenericSwapExactAmountIn is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountIn using the given executorData on the given executor
/// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use
/// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of destToken received after fees
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountIn(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IErrors } from "./IErrors.sol";
// Types
import { GenericData } from "../AugustusV6Types.sol";
/// @title IGenericSwapExactAmountOut
/// @notice Interface for executing a generic swapExactAmountOut through an Augustus executor
interface IGenericSwapExactAmountOut is IErrors {
/// @notice Executes a generic swapExactAmountOut using the given executorData on the given executor
/// @param executor The address of the executor contract to use
/// @param swapData Generic data containing the swap information
/// @param partnerAndFee packed partner address and fee percentage, the first 12 bytes is the feeData and the last
/// 20 bytes is the partner address
/// @param permit The permit data
/// @param executorData The data to execute on the executor
/// @return spentAmount The actual amount of tokens used to swap
/// @return receivedAmount The amount of tokens received from the swap
/// @return paraswapShare The share of the fees for Paraswap
/// @return partnerShare The share of the fees for the partner
function swapExactAmountOut(
address executor,
GenericData calldata swapData,
uint256 partnerAndFee,
bytes calldata permit,
bytes calldata executorData
returns (uint256 spentAmount, uint256 receivedAmount, uint256 paraswapShare, uint256 partnerShare);
Avalanche: 0x00700052c0608f670705380a4900e0a8080010cc
Polygon zkEVM: 0x00700052c0608f670705380a4900e0a8080010cc
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;
// Interfaces
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
/// @title IAugustusFeeVault
/// @notice Interface for the AugustusFeeVault contract
interface IAugustusFeeVault {
/// @notice Error emitted when withdraw amount is zero or exceeds the stored amount
error InvalidWithdrawAmount();
/// @notice Error emmitted when caller is not an approved augustus contract
error UnauthorizedCaller();
/// @notice Error emitted when an invalid parameter length is passed
error InvalidParameterLength();
/// @notice Error emitted when batch withdraw fails
error BatchCollectFailed();
/// @notice Emitted when an augustus contract approval status is set
/// @param augustus The augustus contract address
/// @param approved The approval status
event AugustusApprovalSet(address indexed augustus, bool approved);
/// @notice Struct to register fees
/// @param addresses The addresses to register fees for
/// @param token The token to register fees for
/// @param fees The fees to register
struct FeeRegistration {
address[] addresses;
IERC20 token;
uint256[] fees;
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault
/// @param token The token to withdraw fees in
/// @param amount The amount of fees to withdraw
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function withdrawSomeERC20(IERC20 token, uint256 amount, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for a given token
/// @param token The token to withdraw fees in
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function withdrawAllERC20(IERC20 token, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw all fees allocated to them and stored in the vault for multiple tokens
/// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees i
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function batchWithdrawAllERC20(IERC20[] calldata tokens, address recipient) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Allows partners to withdraw fees allocated to them and stored in the vault
/// @param tokens The tokens to withdraw fees in
/// @param amounts The amounts of fees to withdraw
/// @param recipient The address to send the fees to
/// @return success Whether the transfer was successful or not
function batchWithdrawSomeERC20(
IERC20[] calldata tokens,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
address recipient
returns (bool success);
/// @notice Get the balance of a given token for a given partner
/// @param token The token to get the balance of
/// @param partner The partner to get the balance for
/// @return feeBalance The balance of the given token for the given partner
function getBalance(IERC20 token, address partner) external view returns (uint256 feeBalance);
/// @notice Get the balances of a given partner for multiple tokens
/// @param tokens The tokens to get the balances of
/// @param partner The partner to get the balances for
/// @return feeBalances The balances of the given tokens for the given partner
function batchGetBalance(
IERC20[] calldata tokens,
address partner
returns (uint256[] memory feeBalances);
/// @notice Returns the unallocated fees for a given token
/// @param token The token to get the unallocated fees for
/// @return unallocatedFees The unallocated fees for the given token
function getUnallocatedFees(IERC20 token) external view returns (uint256 unallocatedFees);
/// @notice Registers the given feeData to the vault
/// @param feeData The fee registration data
function registerFees(FeeRegistration memory feeData) external;
/// @notice Sets the augustus contract approval status
/// @param augustus The augustus contract address
/// @param approved The approval status
function setAugustusApproval(address augustus, bool approved) external;
/// @notice Sets the contract pause state
/// @param _isPaused The new pause state
function setContractPauseState(bool _isPaused) external;
Use AugustusRegistry to verify AugustusSwapper addresses.
Avalanche: 0xfD1E5821F07F1aF812bB7F3102Bfd9fFb279513a
Polygon zkEVM: 0x5f34ade3efb2a3f9137ae14568495e8065beea46
interface IAugustusRegistry {
function isAugustusBanned(address augustus) external view returns (bool);
function isValidAugustus(address augustus) external view returns (bool);
function getAugustusCount() external view returns (uint256);
function getLatestVersion() external view returns (string memory);
function getLatestAugustus() external view returns (address);
function getAugustusByVersion(string calldata version) external view returns (address);