Create a p2p order
You can notice the difference between p2p and normal limit orders by looking at the path.
POST /nft/p2p/:chainId/
The process of composing the order and the payload to POST to API endpoint is pretty much the same as with usual non-p2p orders.
The only differences are:
slightly different route (
instead of/nft/orders/...
)taker should contain Augustus Swapper address
the intended order taker is encoded in the nonceAndMeta field````
Query parameters:
network id (Ethereum Mainnet = 1)
Body parameters
: needs to include the actual taker as described here:
needs to be encode as packed field containing address of an ERC20/721/1155 token that maker want to sell to the taker (between0-19 bits
). Token type encoded as show above on20-21 bits
Example encoding in JavaScript:
Understand the response by checking our dedicated page:
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